HOT PULLED BBQ PORK - how to make delicious PORK SLOPPY JOES quick and e...
Remember Sloppy Joes? How about making some PORK SLOPPY JOES quick and easy in an INSTANT POT now? This HOT PULLED BBQ PORK can be frozen for you to enjoy leftovers next week. With few ingredients and pork filet. They take 30 minutes to cook in an INSTAPOT or pressure cooker. The sauce is finger-licking good and made with fig balsamic, ginger, roasted bell pepper ketchup, and coconut sugar. Amazing, new, best ever Pulled Pork. Serve it as you wish, with a burger bun, sandwich bread, or sourdough! Serve it with chef Pachi’s never gain weight SLAW!
#sloppyjoes #pulledpork #bbqpork
1 1/2 pounds pork filet or other lean pork meat
3 tablespoons of Greek Yogurt
1 clove garlic
1/4 cup Fig balsamic (Chef Pachi’s has a video on how to make it)
2 Garlic cloves
2 tablespoons of grated Ginger (2-inch piece of ginger)
2 Rosemary sprigs
1/4 cup bell pepper ketchup (Chef Pachi’s Recipe)
1/4 cup water
2 tablespoons coconut sugar or brown sugar
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